As of right now, we are planning to stay overnight (Saturday January 19th) down at the Cobb Galleria area for our JTF experience. There is a possibility that we will also stay Friday night, and I’ll let you know immediately if that’s the case. If we do stay Friday night as well, there will be no additional costs for the students.
Safety is our number one concern. We want to make sure the kids have a good time, while also making sure that they don’t get hurt or lost. We are booking double queen rooms, with two students per bed.
Students who are elementary school (next school year) will be required to stay in a hotel room with an adult chaperone. The rooming arrangement will be 3 students with one of those student’s parents.
Boys will be staying with a chaperone, regardless of age, (not because of behavior issues, but right now, we only have 3 boys, and one is in elementary school so we’re just planning for them to all stay together).
Girls who are middle school aged will have the option of a chaperoned room or unchaperoned room. If you prefer them to be in a chaperone room, it will be with one of their parents. If you prefer them to be in an unchaperoned room, they will be in a room next to a room with a chaperone. We also will have tape on the doors to dissuade them from leaving their rooms after lights out.
Last year, we had no issues with the students who roomed unchaperoned. We don’t have the “what if they sneak into the boy’s room” issues that we worry about with band trips and such.
Finally we need to know who will be chaperoning. If you would like to chaperone at the actual festival, it will cost $200 (wrist bands are $235 to get in, but we are covering the extra $35 for you). This is the only way to watch the students perform at the adjudication, and it is the only way to watch our students perform on the big stage.
Chaperoning is fairly easy, we just ask that you keep an eye out for your assigned students (4 or less kids) and we may ask you to go pick up any food we order for lunch. We do a very good job of keeping everyone together, and we know where to go and what to do, and hopefully we’ll have several returning chaperones from this past JTF to help out. This past year at JTF went very smoothly because we had 4 returning chaperones. The first year you chaperone JTF may be rather overwhelming, but the second year is really easy.
There is no cost to be a hotel chaperone unless we end up with two parents in a room with their children, in which case we will need $50 from each parent. You do not actually have to attend JTF to be a hotel chaperone.
And lastly, we realize some parents can hotel chaperone if we need them to, while others really need to stay with their children over night for a variety of reasons. Please let me know if you absolutely need to stay with your child overnight. Otherwise, if you sign up to be a hotel chaperone, we might not actually need you.